pretty little church sits in its neat, tree-lined
churchyard near the centre of this village. The
Anglican parish church is out in the fields to
the north, and so this building acts as a focal
point in the middle of Corton, which is the
strangest of villages, the largest part of it
taken up by a vast holiday camp. The main
materials are a pleasing mixture of flint and red
brick, with an elegant triple lancet above the
eastern entrance. As with many Methodist churches
in east Norfolk and north Suffolk, the building
here was bankrolled by the Colman family of
Norwich (rather charmingly, the monthly social
meeting is called the Mustard Seed). The church
website says that the building is popular for
weddings. Where I live in south Suffolk,
Methodism increasingly feels like an enthusiasm
which has had its day. It is always a pleasure to
come up here and find that Methodist churches are
still relatively thick on the ground, although it
must be said that this one did not appear to be
taking part in the annual Suffolk Historic
Churches bike ride, unlike its Methodist
neighbours further into town.