Uniquely in East
Anglia, Dallinghoo church has its tower at the east end.
Is this because it was built back to front? Well, no.
What you see now are the remains of a church with a
central tower. The chancel has gone, abandoned in the
18th Century, and there never were any transepts on the
tower. So just the nave survives, with a tower at the
eastern end rather than the west and a stubby 19th
Century organ chamber on the south side of the nave. As
you step through the south porch into the body of the
nave and look east, you would never notice the
difference, except I do not think I could stand in that
sanctuary without being conscious of the colossal weight
above me. The church seems to have been largely complete
by the start of the 14th Century. In 1426, the rector
John Bray left instructions in his will that the chancel
roof and paving should be replaced out of the proceeds
of goods sold, but no further bequests to the
structure are known. Then, at the start of the 16th
Century, there are several amounts of money left to the
painting of the candlebeam, which is to say the
roodscreen, including one large bequest in 1509 made by
Robert Arnold of Rendham of £6 13s 4d (roughly £8,000
in today's money, so perhaps it was also intended for
construction costs). Nothing whatsoever of the roodscreen
The inside is bright, neat and thoroughly Anglican. The
makeshift chancel beneath the tower is largely 17th
century in character and the holy table, chairs and
panelling are all of a piece, even though most have been
reused from elsewhere. It is probably the best example of
a Jacobean chancel in the county. The communion rails are
slightly later, but in any case they are put in the shade
by the amazing 17th Century pulpit in the north aisle. It
is the tallest in the county, and dwarfs the huge reading
desk in front of it. Carved into its back is a set of
royal arms. Now, you might expect them to be Jacobean,
probably for Charles I or Charles II, but in fact they
are older. They are supported by two lions, which
suggests they are those for Edward IV who reigned, with a
short break, from 1461 to 1483. However, they are flanked
a Tudor rose and the pomegranate symbol of Catherine of
Aragon, the Queen of Henry VIII from 1509 to 1533.
Perhaps the pulpit was cobbled together using older
materials, or maybe it was simply the fantasy of the
craftsmen who made it.
Outside in the churchyard are a number of interesting
stones, including one from the late 17th Century
depicting a shovel, hour glass and pick which must be by
the same mason as the similar one a few miles off at
Burgh. There is also a very satisfactory grinning King
Death on a nearby stone of similar date. Even more
striking is the life-size statue of Hope against the
north boundary. It commemorates the Walford family, who
provided rectors in the middle years of the 19th century.
The Reverend Ellis Walford, who was rector at the time of
the 1851 Census of Religious Worship, must have been
pleased to be able to record a congregation of more than
a hundred on the day of the census, a surprisingly high
proportion for enthusiastically non-conformist east
Suffolk out of the parish population of just 385,
especially as Dallinghoo had a large number of Baptists
who attended the chapel up the road in Charsfield. But
before we congratulate him too much, it should be pointed
out that Ellis Walford was one of Suffolk's last
pluralist ministers, also having the living of Bucklesham
on the other side of Woodbridge, a parish he had left so
moribund that no one could be found there to fill in the
census return.
Knott, February 2020
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